THUNDERBIRD FIELD II Veterans Memorial Inc. Aviation Scholarship Program
The Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial, Inc. (Tbird2) Aviation Scholarship Program is designed to provide scholarships for Arizona students attending Arizona colleges, universities, and technical schools. These scholarships are financial awards that are not based on financial need.
Each scholarship recipient will receive their funds paid directly to the Tbird2 approved aviation specialty school, community college, or public or private university in the recipient’s name. Internet training programs are not approved at this time. Tbird2 has the right to make changes at any time or delete any school from its approved list. All interested applicants must apply directly through the technical/trade school or college and be accepted for an aviation-related certificate, associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree. The requirements will differ for each educational institution and type of program. Any applicant who is serving or has served in the Armed Forces, or has a parent who is serving or is a veteran, will receive an additional preference point to their application, subject to meeting the required qualifications posted by each school’s Tbird2 Scholarship Program.
To commemorative this scholarship award, the student will receive an ornamental and descriptive plaque followed by a national press release.
Tbird2 has identified the following institutions that have aviation programs and has obtained formal approval from each institution for the Tbird2 Aviation Scholarship Program.
- Arizona State University
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Cochise College
- Yavapai College
- Chandler-Gilbert Community College
- Pima Community College
Tbird2 is constantly adding institutions to its approved list. Check with your particular institution or technical school. If your institution/school has an interest is supporting Tbird2’s scholarship program, please have the school representative complete the contact form under the Contact Us tab on this website.
THUNDERBIRD FIELD II Scholarship Recipients
Names with (*) Denotes Veteran

Megan Whittard
Bachelor of Science
Aeronautical Management Technology

Rachael Shantz
Bachelor of Science
Air Traffic Management

Olivia Sparks
Bachelor of Science
Air Transportation

McKinley Ritchie *
Bachelor of Science
Aeronautical Management Technology

Skylar Saloum *
Bachelor of Science
Unmanned Aerial Systems

Christopher Awes *
Bachelor of Science

Bradley Riedle *
Bachelor of Science

Douglas Niemela
Bachelor of Science in
Aeronautics Fixed Wing.

Payson Duane *
Bachelor of Science in

Michael Barragan *
Associate of Professional Pilot Technology

Madelyn Frarer
Associate of Professional Pilot Technology

Melinda Rice
Associate of Applied Science

Juan Tapia
Associate of Applied Science
Aviation Technology

Kathryn Pena
Associate of Applied Science
Aviation Powerplant Mechanics

Azaria Burnell
Associate of Applied Science
Airframe and Powerplants

Dewayne Brown *
Associate of Applied Science
Aerospace Science-Unmanned

James Kramer *
Associate of Applied Science in Aerospace Science

Matthew West
Associate of Applied Science in Aerospace Science

Kobe Lomasney
Associate of Applied Science
Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Lynn Burnett *
Associate of Applied Science in Airway Science Technology

Cintia Cantor Navas *
Associate Degree in Applied Science in Airway Science Technology